
Griefed by Christa Charter

Full disclosure: There are spoilers here so if you care about those sorts of things, TURN BACK NOW!

I finished Pwned giddy over Lexy’s relationship with her Asgardian snow god/undercover DEA boyfriend. She was finally with a man that deserved and appreciated her love, something semi-stable considering their professions. Everything was coming up roses.

Everything except for the loads of hate mail and the nasty website some a-hole internet jerk-off created, a site littered with private photos of the Xenon community manager. And it’s not like she needs that drama right now, not with the upcoming launch of Xenon’s newest console in Roswell, New Mexico. She trusts in Officer Cricket Yi and the newly appointed head of Xenon’s cybersecurity team, along with some off the books investigating from her hacker Skype friend, to get to the bottom of things.

Now it’s not a Lexy Cooper Mystery without a murder or two, and this one is no different. Gunshy Ridge is home to several of the more affluent tech families and one of the residents seems to have committed suicide. However, Detective Mike Malick seems to believe otherwise. His continuing investigation into the matter leads him down a dangerous path, potentially threatening his badge.

Try as I might to pace myself with this one, it took me two evenings in bed to tear through Christa’s latest adventure. Maybe because I knew at some point I would turn up as a character in the story (I backed her Indiegogo campaign). Most likely just because I enjoy her writing so much. And when I made it to the monster at the end of the book, emotions were extremely mixed. As satisfied as I was with the adventure, those last few pages I spent with Lexy required a few tissues.

Now I impatiently wait to see what happens in Lexy #4.

You can pick up SchooledPwned, and Griefed now for your Kindles now, with the first two installments also available in paperback.

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