The night could have been much better for Lexy Cooper. Her snowboarder-slash-DEA boyfriend Ash was out of town on tour and her nemesis weaseled her way into the Xenon office Christmas party, making things extremely uncomfortable for Lexy. So when it’s discovered that the alpha build of Xenon’s new console – Aether – has gone missing, Lexy teams up with her “uncle” Detective Mike Malick to track down the culprits and retrieve the unit before details leak to the gaming press.
The action in Book 2.5 was well paced, Lexy’s outfit was appropriately super skimpy, and her stage performances…. Well, they are 100% Lexy. It was hard to contain my laughter as I read this in a very quiet waiting room. I most definitely enjoyed this fun little short story bridging the events of Pwned with the soon to be released third installment of the Lexy Cooper series entitled Griefed (due Feb 2014).