
Professor Layton and the Last Specter

Status: 1 playthrough of The Last Specter complete Total Time:  19hr 1min Puzzles Solved: 138  Total Picarats: 5048 Professor Layton and the Last Specter (or Specter’s Flute, depending on your region) it the first in a trilogy of prequels to the best selling puzzle series. Layton receives a letter from his old friend Clark Triton, requesting his help …

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Professor Layton & the Curious Village

The Story: Professor Layton and his young assistant Luke travel to the mysterious village of St. Mystere, at the behest of Lady Dahlia. The last will and testament of her late husband, Baron Reinhold, mentions that whomever can solve the puzzle of the Golden Apple will inherit his fortunes. Investigating this matter requires that Layton …

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