Status: Catching cicadas and fishing, making the bells to pay back Nook’s ridiculous loans Dream Address: 4500-2245-0852 I caved to peer pressure. I bought Animal Crossing New Leaf almost a month ago and I am sad to report that I am utterly addicted to this game. When I am not sleeping, playing Borderlands 2 or watching TV …
Tag: DS
The Urbz: Sims the in City (Project Backlog)
Status: Completed The Urbz main story, working on Rep quests While I was grinding up in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn to take my second go at the final battle, I decided I needed a bit of a break and went through our DS game shelf for something new to play. I wanted a game I could …
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
Status: Saved the world in 52 Hours 45 mins at Level 65 I picked up Golden Sun: Dark Dawn one night when I saw it on the shelf at Best Buy for $5. It doesn’t bother me to play a game in the middle of a series I’ve never touched before if I spot it on sale. And …
Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2
Status: Main Trauma Center 2 game completed, varying difficulties When I spot games that are under $10 I instinctively want to add them to my game library (much to the chagrin of my husband). Hence why I’m rarely allowed to peruse the game section at Fry’s when we stop in there. For the most part I’ve scored …
Gardening Mama
Status: Unlocked a good chunk of Gardening Mama’s gardenables, only a few seeds left for my collection As a fan of the first two Cooking Mama titles, I was excited to try the first franchise off-shoot, Gardening Mama. Mama and I had gotten along pretty well in those first two games and the prospect of moving to …
Professor Layton and the Last Specter
Status: 1 playthrough of The Last Specter complete Total Time: 19hr 1min Puzzles Solved: 138 Total Picarats: 5048 Professor Layton and the Last Specter (or Specter’s Flute, depending on your region) it the first in a trilogy of prequels to the best selling puzzle series. Layton receives a letter from his old friend Clark Triton, requesting his help …
Puzzle Expedition DS
Status: Getting by with a little help from the internet Puzzle solving is great for your brain, so says Dr. Kawashima, the genius behind all the Brain Age games. And if the doctor tells you to play more puzzle solving games, then you should listen to what he is telling you. While this might not be …
7 Wonders 2
My growing love for puzzle games took a major leap forward when MumboJumbo sent 7 Wonders 2 my way. A DS port of a popular PC game, gamers manipulate the various icons in the columns to create blocks of three or more, Bejeweled-style, creating building stones for the loyal workers around the world who will …
Professor Layton & The Unwound Future
Status: 1 playthrough of Unwound Future complete Total Time: 21hr 29min Puzzles Solved: 164 Total Picarats: 5531 Purchase Professor Layton and the Unwound Future from Amazon When a mysterious letter arrives in the post claiming to be written by Hershel Layton’s apprentice, Luke, from 10 years in the future only a short period after the two witness a failed time traveling …
My Baby First Steps
Status: Traded this in just as soon as I finished the review The follow up to My Baby, First Steps has you all settled in at home with your 15 month old youngster. You are now reaching the stages of development where your son or daughter starts learning words, walking unassisted for the first time, …