Gamer Scribbles

Yukino’s Most Wanted 2011 Edition

I love games. And because I love games so much my wallet (or now more accurately, my husband’s wallet) takes a hit at least once a month if not more, all in the name of investing my time wisely. This year will be no different from the last who knows how many years since I …

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Gamer Scribbles

Love, Thy Name is Rage Quit

More often than not, video games are fun. You can waste countless hours staring at your TV, ignoring your responsibilities and immersing your entire being into the story at hand. These games take you on amazing adventures or simply help pass the time, and either way, you feel accomplished and better for having the experience …

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Gamer Scribbles

A Tale of Two Games

After missing out on the first couple of these, I am glad to finally be able to join in the Gamer Banter blog swap initiated by Terry over at GameCouch. This month’s topic of discussion is: What was the game that made you a gamer? Way, way back in the early 80s, my mom came home one …

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