Gamer Scribbles

Love, Thy Name is Rage Quit

More often than not, video games are fun. You can waste countless hours staring at your TV, ignoring your responsibilities and immersing your entire being into the story at hand. These games take you on amazing adventures or simply help pass the time, and either way, you feel accomplished and better for having the experience …

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Gamer Scribbles

The Age of Motion

Why is it that game companies want to force me into moving around like an idiot in front of my TV to play my games? When I want to move around I tend to do something constructive, like baking, exercising or running away from spiders. Going completely controller-free is not in my future, no matter …

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A Day with Craboom

First, let me tell you a little about Craboom. According to, Craboom was a gift to the armed forces for all their hard work. This hard working little guy carries a cannonball on his back, so he’s got to be as strong as Arnold Schwarzenegger. Don’t tell him he is cute! That’s one hell of …

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Nestled between Mount Feroshi and the Dark Forest, the Ninjas of Ninjatown live their secret lives, making their delicious Ninja Star-Shaped Cookies while enjoying a cup of green tea at the bistro, training in the dojo, harvesting the special ingredients needed for those secret cookies. They are accountants, bakers, defenders and protectors. But something has …

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