Oh Microsoft! Sometimes I just don’t get you. You schedule a console reveal event prior to E3, which in and of itself is completely fine, but then you pretty much ignore your gaming core, focusing instead on TV and movie integration, show off your recently purchased Skype tools, and push the Kinect technology without clarifying …
Tag: video games
My Summer 2013 Project Backlog Plan of Attack
It’s not like I’ve gone out and bought a tonne of new games, so why is it that my backlog is growing? Skyrim. Yup. That damn addictive game keeps me coming back, even though I have finished all the quests I can with my first character. And now the collector’s edition with the one bit …
Extra Life 2013 – Playing for Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta on Nov 2nd
On November 2nd, 2013, I am once again participating in Extra Life, an epic 25 hour gaming marathon to raise money for Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. This will be my fourth year taking part in the event, playing as a giant Thank You to CHOA for taking care of my husband Matt while he was …
How I Lost an Entire Day (Also Known As Game Dev Tycoon & Candy Box)
Addictive time suck that I just can’t get enough of! ~Annette Seriously, I am Game Dev Tycoon as I write this and had major jitters all weekend (well, mostly Sunday and Monday) as I hadn’t been able to play. I’ve just started my 4th studio (Irrational Games) and finished my first game (Medal of Honour, …
Geek & Gaming Cross Stitchery 3 – Yoshi Kitchen Decor
It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything in regards to my efforts to stitch a bunch of awesome things to decorate with, but today I can finally say I have finished my largest project to date! The Yoshi Butcher Chart that I started on a ways back last year had the final back stitches …
It’s the End of Snake as I Know Him, and I’m Not Fine
When Metal Gear Solid V was officially announced last week at GDC (fully acknowledging that the Phantom Pain previews from earlier were indeed MGS related), it was revealed that they would not be asking David Hayter to resume his role as Snake. They wanted to go in a new direction with the gruff old bastard …
Ready Player One
I finally got around to picking up a copy of Ready Player One last week. I’d been waiting for the paperback to come around and had a few other books ahead of this one on my list at the time, so I am a bit late to the party. For people with no clue what …
Schooled by Christa Charter
There have been few books that have had my undivided attention from the first word – mostly fantasy novels I’d been anxiously waiting for. I’ve followed Christa’s chronicling of her writing process with Schooled on Facebook as well as posts on her blog, and knew that I would devour her gaming industry inspired murder mystery as soon as …
Looting Pandora
As a married gamer, there are times when you just want to have fun playing a cooperative adventure together. Sadly, it had been quite some time since Matt and I sat down and spent hours upon hours gaming together. Sure, there was that period back in January and February when we jumped on the Skylanders …
Extra Life 2012: Raising Money for Kids on Oct 19
On October 19th I will once again be participating in the epic 24 hour video game playing marathon for charity that is Extra Life. For as little as $1 an hour (that’s only $24!) or any sized flat donation, you can help me raise funds that will help children and their families while they undergo treatment. …