Status: 2 playthroughs complete (once on Normal, second Easy), currently attempting 1999 Mode Achievements: 43 of 50 Gamerscore: 730/1000 DLC Purchased: Season Pass (no content out just yet) Seriously, there are going to be spoilers in this post. Do not read this if you haven’t finished the game!! I love Ken Levine. As an aspiring writer, I wish that …
Tag: Xbox 360
Gears of War 3
Status: Normal campaign complete, now playing on Insane Achievements: 28 of 50 Gamerscore: 335/1000 DLC Purchased: None We picked up Gears of War 3 excited to see how the series would end and knowing it would be a great co-op experience for us. Hell, we even made sure we bought a second TV for the bedroom large enough for …
Project Backlog – The List
Here is the current list of games in my backlog as of May 28th, 2013. This list will be updated on a semi-regular basis to reflect new additions and recent completions (or removals based on the fact that I got stuck and gave up). Xbox 360 Alan Wake – The Signal & The Writer DLC (Completed!) …
Naughty Bear
Optional Goal: Destroy 1 video game, preferably this one The concept was alluring – an M rated game starring an evil and malicious stuffed animal hell-bent on revenge and destruction. Everything seen in previews and trailers looked promising. It was one of the few summer releases that actually was on my “To Buy” list. Unfortunately, …
The Age of Motion
Why is it that game companies want to force me into moving around like an idiot in front of my TV to play my games? When I want to move around I tend to do something constructive, like baking, exercising or running away from spiders. Going completely controller-free is not in my future, no matter …
Alan Wake
Status: 1 Normal playthrough of Alan Wake complete, now playing on Nightmare Achievements: 31 of 50 Gamerscore: 490/1000 DLC Purchased: None As I sit here channeling Alan Wake, writing in the light to keep away any Dark Presence that may have seeped from my Xbox 360 over the past week, I take a brief moment to reflect on just …
Batman Arkham Asylum
Status: I’ve played through Batman Arkham Asylum once Achievements: 25 of 47 Gamerscore: 495/1000 DLC Purchased: None I have never been the biggest fan of comics or comic based video games (and even less of a fan of comic based movie video game tie-ins). However all the hype about the latest Batman installment from the team at Rocksteady had …