Status: Completed The Urbz main story, working on Rep quests While I was grinding up in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn to take my second go at the final battle, I decided I needed a bit of a break and went through our DS game shelf for something new to play. I wanted a game I could …
Tag: EA
Dragon Age 2
Status: Finished Dragon Age 2 once as a female Rogue Achievements: 38 of 55 Gamerscore: 665/1130 DLC Purchased: Dragon Age Legends (Facebook app) bonus items Not really a sequel to Dragon Age: Origins with some of that TV spin-off feel, Dragon Age 2 boasts a more polished feel both in game play and graphics, but falls short in the …
Dragon Age: Origins
Status: Completed Dragon Age: Origins 3 times Achievements: 57 of 76 Gamerscore: 1225/1750 DLC Played: Awakening Dragon Age wasn’t on my watch-list when it was announced. Probably because I didn’t end up enjoying Mass Effect as much as I was hoping to which turned into lukewarm feelings for BioWare. It wasn’t that I thought Mass Effect was a bad …
DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue
Status: Completed Thongs of Virtue main story Achievements: 11 of 13 Gamerscore: 190/215 DLC Purchased: None Impressed with the first part of DeathSpank’s tale, I made sure to pick up the second installment before I stole Lord Von Prong’s Thong. It was a smart move because I immediately began playing Thongs of Virtue. Damn Hothead and their addictive game. …
Status: Completed DeathSpank and cleaned up all those achievements Achievements: 12 of 12 Gamerscore: 200/200 DLC Purchased: None I picked up DeathSpank and its sequel during the recent EA sale on the Xbox Marketplace, months after checking out the demo and wishing I had the points to grab it at launch. Santa deposited some points to my account at …
Plants vs Zombies
Status: Plants vs Zombies Adventure Mode cleared once, enjoying multiplayer for a bit Achievements: 7 of 12 Gamerscore: 100/200 DLC Purchased: None Hi, my name is Annette and I am an addict. My addiction: Plants vs Zombies. If you had told me a couple years back that I would start playing games that fall under the “casual” umbrella, I …
Spore Hero
I never jumped all over the Spore bandwagon. To me, Spore was just an alien version of the Sims with some more customization and the added bonus of exploring the galaxy. Not my taste, but for a lot of people, Spore was going to be the next big thing. Sadly, it suffered from people finishing …
Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure
Prepare yourself a spot of tea, and get ready to partake in a smashingly great adventure on the Nintendo DS. One day while doing his normal adventuring, Henry Hatsworth finds a golden bowler hat, which unlocks access to the Puzzle Realm. It turns out the bowler is only one piece of many, which when worn …
Monopoly: The Video Game
Status: Played & traded in Achievements: 25 of 34 Gamerscore: 560/1000 DLC Purchased: None One of the most revered of all board games, Monopoly is one of the first EA Hasbro titles to hit consoles just in time for the holiday season. Instead of dragging out three different boards, trying to find all the money and player tokens, you can …